How a Movement Assessment Can Prevent Injuries and Improve Your Health

Close-up of bare feet walking during a movement assessment using Footscan technology.

Did you know that nearly half of all recurring injuries are caused by the way we move every day—without even realising it? From how you stand to how you walk, subtle imbalances build up over time, eventually leading to pain and injury. But what if you could catch these issues before they become a problem?

Why Movement Matters More Than You Think

If you’ve been caught in a cycle of pain or recurring injuries, you’re not alone. It’s frustrating when you’re doing everything right—staying active, going to therapy—yet the discomfort keeps coming back. But what if, instead of just treating symptoms, you could address the source of the problem once and for all?

That’s where a detailed movement assessment, or biomechanical analysis, comes in.

At Rachel Sharp Rehab, we use cutting-edge technology to assess how your body moves. By digging into the details of your movements, we’re able to spot problem areas that can lead to pain and injury over time. This process, known as Preventive Biomechanics, allows us to diagnose movement issues and implement corrections before they turn into chronic conditions. By doing so, we don’t just help you feel better today—we’re setting you up for a stronger, healthier future.

What Does a Movement Assessment Look At?

You might be wondering, “What exactly do you look at during a movement assessment?”

A movement assessment focuses on how your body functions as a whole—not just the pain you’re feeling today. We look at several key factors:

  1. Posture: How you hold your body throughout the day
  2. Gait: The way you walk or run
  3. Joint Alignment: Are your joints properly aligned, or are they causing unnecessary strain?
  4. Muscle Activation: Which muscles are doing the work, and when?
  5. Range of Motion: How far can your joints move comfortably?
  6. By understanding these details, we can identify any imbalances or areas of concern. These small issues might not be obvious right now, but over time, they add up—leading to long-term pain or injury.

How We Use Technology to Help You Get the Full Picture

We’ve invested in advanced tools to ensure you get the most accurate results possible. One of our key technologies is the Footscan, which analyses how your feet bear weight and move. But that’s just one part of the process. Here’s how the full movement assessment works:

  1. Initial Consultation: We start by discussing your medical history, current concerns, and fitness goals.
  2. Visual Check: In addition to using technology, we also observe your posture and movements to spot issues that the data might not capture.
  3. Footscan Analysis: You’ll Walk or run on our Footscan system, which records how your feet move and where you may be putting excess pressure.
  4. Data Analysis: We review the results to get a full picture of your gait cycle, joint alignment, and muscle engagement.
  5. Detailed Report: Using this data, we create a detailed report highlighting any biomechanical issues and their potential impact on your body.
  6. Personalised Treatment Plan: Finally, we develop a treatment plan that’s customised to you. This might include custom-made Phits insoles, targeted exercises, and movement retraining.

The Footscan provides valuable insights into your gait and pressure distribution, allowing us to pinpoint areas of excessive stress or inefficient movement patterns that could lead to injury over time.

Why This Approach Works

Now, you might be asking, “Why should I bother with a movement assessment instead of just focusing on the pain itself?” Here’s why this proactive approach is a game-changer:

1. Finding the Real Cause

Many aches and pains come from subtle movement issues that we don’t even notice. Traditional treatments often focus on symptom relief, like massaging the sore spot or using medication to ease discomfort. A movement assessment digs deeper to uncover the real cause of your pain. Once we know what’s causing it, we can correct it, offering you long-term relief.

2. Designed Specifically for You

Everyone’s body is different, and one-size-fits-all treatments rarely work. A movement assessment provides us with the data to create a personalized plan that’s tailored to your unique needs. Whether you require custom-made insoles, targeted exercises, or posture adjustments, we’ll design solutions that work for you.

3. Preventing Future Injuries

One of the biggest benefits of a movement assessment is its ability to prevent injuries before they happen. By identifying problem areas in your movement patterns, we can correct these issues before they develop into chronic conditions. This proactive approach is especially important for:

  • Athletes looking to optimise performance and reduce injury risk
  • Individuals with repetitive injuries or physically demanding jobs
  • Anyone wanting to maintain an active lifestyle as they age

4. Enhanced Performance

Optimising how your body moves not only reduces injury risk – it can also significantly improve your performance. By improving your form and efficiency, you’ll feel stronger, more balanced, and less fatigued. Whether you’re an elite athlete aiming for peak performance or simply want to stay active and healthy, a movement assessment helps you move more efficiently. This can lead to:

  • Increased endurance
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Improved power output
  • Reduced fatigue during physical activity

5. Supporting Your Long-Term Health

Understanding your body’s mechanics empowers you to make smarter decisions about your health. Whether it’s adjusting your posture, choosing the right activities, or making small lifestyle changes, biomechanical analysis helps you take control of your physical health. This proactive approach doesn’t just prevent pain – it enhances your overall quality of life.

The Role of Custom Insoles

For many, custom-made insoles are one of the most effective solutions for correcting movement issues.
At Rachel Sharp Rehab, we use Phits Custom-made insoles to address many of the biomechanical issues we identify. Unlike off-the-shelf insoles, custom orthotics are designed to meet your specific biomechanical needs. Here’s why they’re so effective:

  1. Precise Correction: Custom orthotics address specific problems like overpronation, supination, or uneven weight distribution.
  2. Improved Alignment: They help align your entire body, from your feet to your spine.
  3. Shock Absorption: Designed to absorb shock, custom orthotics reduce joint stress during high-impact activities like running or jumping.
  4. Comfort: Built specifically for your feet, custom orthotics offer more comfort, encouraging consistent use.
  5. Durability: High-quality custom orthotics are built to last, providing long-term support.

A Smarter Way to Stay Healthy

At Rachel Sharp Rehab, our goal is to help you move better and live pain-free. By using the latest technology and detailed movement assessments, we create solutions that work for the long haul. Rather than waiting for pain or injury to occur, we help you take control of your movement and prevent issues before they arise.

Whether you’re dealing with ongoing pain, trying to avoid future injuries, or just want to feel better in your day-to-day life, a movement assessment could be the key. Understanding how your body works gives you the insight you need to make changes that will keep you healthy and active for years to come.

Why wait for an injury to sideline you? A proactive assessment can keep you in the game. Contact Rachel Sharp Rehab today to schedule your movement assessment. Let us help you move better, feel better, and stay active without the worry of pain holding you back.

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Rachel Sharp graduated from Salford University in 2008 with a 2:1 BSc (Hons) in Sports Rehabilitation and is a registered member of BASRaT. With over 10 years of experience as an Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor for the Ministry of Defence, she specialises in musculoskeletal injuries and ACL rehabilitation, providing personalised care backed by high professional standards.

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